DIY color Papel de transferencia por Happy Great

Making transfer paper is simple but a little messy. Cover your work area

with newspaper, wear disposable gloves, and always use a respirator when

working with powdered pigments. Assemble the following supplies:

· Parchment tracing paper, medium weight

· Powdered pigment or ground-up pastel (approximately 1 teaspoon for

each 9×12 sheet of paper)

· Denatured alcohol (available at hardware stores)

· Measuring spoon (teaspoon or larger)

· Small dish or glass palette

· 1- to 2-inch flat brush

Place approximately 1 teaspoon of powdered pigment into a dish. Add a

teaspoon or more of denatured alcohol. You want to add enough alcohol to

turn the powdered pigment to the consistency of light cream. Stir well until

the mixture is smooth. Some colors, such as earth pigments, combine

readily. Others, like alizarin crimson, resist moisture. For stubborn colors

I place the powdered pigment on a glass palette, add denatured alcohol and

then use a palette knife to carefully disperse the two ingredients.

Use a wide flat brush to apply the liquefied pigment to a sheet of tracing

paper. Drag the brush back and forth assertively to work the pigment into

the paper. The alcohol will quickly evaporate, leaving behind a thin layer of

color. There’s no actual binder; the mechanical action of rubbing the

pigment into the surface is sufficient. When the paper is dry, use a clean rag

to gently wipe the surface. This removes excess pigment, leaving a thin

layer of color.

The first few times you use a particular sheet of homemade transfer paper,

loose pigment may generate dust or leave unwanted marks. After a few uses

, the dust will dissipate and the paper will behave properly. A sheet can last

several years.

The beauty of homemade transfer paper is that you can customize colors.

For example, graphite can appear gray and dull in a portrait. Instead, I

transfer my figures using green earth and burnt sienna transfer papers.

Keep in mind that no two pigments are alike. Some colors are weak; others

are strong and staining. With experience, you’ll learn which work best for

making transfer paper.

For more information, click here:

There are many benefits that you can get from the transfer paper. In this

article, you can read several things that you can do with this transfer paper.

You can find many companies printing transfer paper for their clients. This

paper can be used for different purposes. By reading this article, you can

learn how to have fun with this paper. There are many applications that

you can do with this paper. Here are some of those useful applications.

1. Decorate your windows

This is the first thing that you can do with your transfer paper. First, you

need to print your favorite image on the transfer paper. This paper can be

used to transfer the image to your windows. It is a great way to decorate

your windows inside your house. Decorating your windows with some

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