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¿Qué papel podemos elegir al imprimir Productos Digitales de Happy Great
supplies for use in hybrid projects. One of the most common questions
is “which paper should I use?”
For layouts, the answer is easy – high-quality photo paper works best
for printing. Photographs are usually the highlight of any layout, and
photographs always look best on photo paper. My personal favorite is a
matte or luster finish but I know plenty of other digital scrapbookers who
prefer glossy paper. As long as it’s photo paper, any of the finishes are just
But when you’re working on hybrid projects that use a combination of photo
graphs, paper supplies, and digital supplies, you have a lot more options.
Let me show you why other options work just as well for digital supplies.
The cards don’t look that different even though the papers are very differen
t in texture, weight, and finish. The most noticeable difference is the gloss
on the card. The glossy finish is quite shiny and when you look at it straight
on, it makes the card look a bit whiter and brighter. But it also makes the
blues and the reds a tiny bit more washed out. If you look at others, the
blues and reds appear a tad more saturated, with the cardstock just a bit
From other angles, the colors on the card printed on glossy brochure
paper look more saturated and the sheen from the glare of looking at the
card straight-on isn’t as noticeable. The card printed on cardstock still
looks a little bit lighter than others. But they all still look great – no
smearing, no smudging – and the colors look very true, albeit a tiny bit
different from each other. You can also see the thickness of the paper from
this angle. The cardstock is the thickest of the three; the brochure paper is
So what paper’s the best choice for printing off digital supplies? The answer
is that any of these options works well. It all comes down to personal
preference, which may include such considerations as price (the photo paper
is almost three times as expensive as the other two), a preference for a
matte finish, durability, and texture. In this case, I would probably choose
the cardstock option even though the colors are less saturated because it’s
easier to write on cardstock than the other two surfaces.
So the easy answer to the question of which paper is best to print digital
supplies is that there is no right or wrong paper. You have a lot of options
and they will all work well for most projects. Be brave, experiment with
different papers to see what you like for different applications, and have fun
adding digital supplies to your paper projects!
For more information, click here:
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